A blog named BETTY

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Once again, Target changes my life

So I got one of my wild hairs the other day. I was actually at the doctor with my mother-in-law, Dixie, and I was reading about organization in a magazine. It suggested keeping a folder with you of little things you need to do--thank you notes, bills, etc--so that if you're waiting somewhere (oh say, at a doctor's office), you can get those little things done. The lightbulb went on, which in turn triggered a wild hair, and I was at Target that very afternoon looking for that very thing. What I found was PERFECTION, and I don't just throw that word around lightly. Perfection for me entails the following formula:
something even better than I'd envisioned in my wildest dreams
the possibility of embellishing
off the clearance rack.

She shoots, she scores!!
These beauties were all of the above, cardboard and canvas portable file purse-like thingys. (Yes, that's what the label said. Prove me wrong.) I was prepared to use them straight off the shelf, but those cardboard sides screamed at me "paper me, embellish me, make me all that I can be!" (These are obviously file thingys with some military tendencies.)

So, I did.

I made one for my neighbor for her b-day, and one for me, and one more because I just couldn't stop myself. And now a picture:

I am going to fill mine with not only the things they suggested, but also those random magazines/catalogs that are just too cool to throw away before looking through, and the school newsletters I need to read, and all of the other stuff I never seem to get to. (maybe the dishes??) Then when I'm waiting in the car for a kid to get out of practice, I can whip something out, do it, and feel triumphant.

That mom driving down the street in her minivan with a smug smile on her face? That will be me.


Alaina said...

You are so clever! I love it.

MY birthday is next Friday... ahem... ;)

Jen said...

cute cute cute!!!!

A Musing Mother said...

Hey! You missed my birthday. Remember the Jamba Juice I brought you for your birthday? I'm just hinting. November 24, 1965. Got that? I think I share a birthday with Princess Leia and somebody else famous but I can't remember her name.