A blog named BETTY

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Exposing the Art Geek's Offspring

Remember my whole passionate, rambling tribute to the Monet to Picasso exhibit? Well, the whole of Utah (and lucky parts of Wyoming and Idaho, I suppose) had the opportunity to bask in it, thanks to Carole Makita at Channel 5 News. She spotted our potential Friday, as I was walking out of the exhibit with my 3 daughters. First thought? "Oh no--someone told her about the lady who makes strange spontaneous noises." (Oh, and BTW I got in trouble this time for getting too close to the paintings. Excuse me for wanting to lick the tempura applied by the hand of Matisse! Sheesh!)

Instead, it appears that Carole was in search of a saintly parent who had opened the world of art to her children that day. Naturally, that would be me. Before we knew it, the camera was rolling, and each of us gave a little shpeal (sp?) about the vistas opened to us during our visit. For those of you who don't live in Utah (or lucky parts of Wyoming and Idaho), and for those of you who do, but don't watch news at 4:00 in the afternoon (c'mon!!), here's the clip:

Can you believe how poised and articulate my 3 girls are?? She put the microphone to their mouths, and that is exactly what came out of their mouths! I was in awe. Or should I say I was "MOVED." That's the big joke in our house this weekend..."Mom, are you MOVED?"

After we were done, Carole thanked us and told us we were just the ideal family. My reply? "We get that a lot." Sometimes I just can't help myself.

I like that Carole. She was so nice and easy to talk to, and she obviously knows quality when she sees it. :)

If ever there were a time to be grateful I'd bothered to put on some makeup in the morning, this would be it.


The Andrew Family said...

You were all glorious and beautiful and made us proud to know you. We're not worthy to read your blog!

Anonymous said...

Awww! Awesome Erin! Look at you and your beautiful family!

Jeni said...

I'm so proud to be related to such celebrities! Your girls (and you) did such a good job, I feel like I need to go see the exhibit now...

Malinda said...

You all look good and sound so smart! How fun is that. Are you moved Erin? I am!

Stephanie said...

You gals all looked and sounded great! Just think...celebrities in the family!!!

Lacey said...

Wow so proud to say we know you famous people. Again I would have LOVED to have seen that exhibit, lucky girls!

PhatNat said...

Wow! Very cool! I was moved!!!!

Jen said...

You are waaaaay better on camera than I was at the Arizona state quarter day (when I coined the famous phrase, "It was the nerdy thing to do.") I'm surprised I didn't see the names Shnookie2 Shnookie3 and Shnookie4 on the clip. I would have thought you'd be sure to give their "real"names!

BTW, how did you get the clip on your blog? I never figured out how to get ours off the dvr.

(I am laughing! the word verification letters I have to type for this comment are lboobi! Me and my fascination with boob*!)